Authority has lost its letters of nobility along with humility. Authority has become synonymous with implacable order, reckless force, tyranny. What an inversion of values! While authority according to Antigone prevented tyranny! The modern age has this impression of authority because it has been trampled on by men who have used it; while serving authority. But has authority been damaged by these disastrous experiences? A value cannot be damaged by a man. Fidelity unfolds above Saint Peter without his being able to do so. Loyalty unfolds above betrayal because it encompasses it. Loyalty asserts itself in betrayal. Betrayal carries with it no meaning except its own satisfaction. Any value also speaks of indecision and uncertainty within man. All value is a guardian and a shelter. No need to choose, value adapts to our weakness since it precedes our uncertainties. The modern world confuses authority and power by making them bear the same wounds and the same pains. God had to be taken out of everything. Neither the ancients nor the contemporary would understand, but that didn't matter, they counted for nothing now. If ever God did not leave, he would have to be killed. The 20th century wanted to be the time of the death of God. He will have killed only the death of his idea. Above all, he will have created a new anthropology based on suicide.
Month: March 2016
Unamuno on his quixotic quest
My work – I was going to say my mission – is to break the faith of each other, and even of a third party: faith in affirmation, faith in negation and faith in abstention; and that by faith in faith itself. It is to fight all those who resign themselves, either to Catholicism or to agnosticism. It is to make everyone live worried and oppressed.
Will it be effective? But did Don Quixote believe in the immediate, apparent efficacy of his work? It is very doubtful...
Unamuno on Don Quixote
I feel like a medieval soul and I have the idea that the soul of my homeland is medieval, that by force it passed through the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Revolution, learning something from them, either, but without letting touch his soul, preserving the spiritual heritage of these so-called foggy times. And Quixotism is only the most desperate focus of the struggle of the Middle Ages against the Renaissance which emerged from it.