Prayer to the Souls in Purgatory of Father André Haussaire

O Jesus, to Your Heart I entrust (whom I desire: for example “victims of the virus”)

Look at (the/them) then do what Your Heart tells You.

Let Your Heart Work!

I rely on Him.

I trust Him.

I surrender myself to Him!

O Jesus, by Your most loving Heart, I beg You to inflame with the zeal of Your Love and Your Glory all the priests of the world, all the missionaries, all those who are responsible for announcing Your divine Word, so that with holy zeal they snatch souls from Satan and lead them to the asylum of Your Heart where they can glorify You unceasingly!

Eternal Father, who, out of love for souls, delivered Your only Son to death, – by His Blood, by His merits and by His Heart, have mercy on the whole world and forgive all the sins that are committed.

Receive the humble reparation offered to You by Your chosen souls.

Unite them to the merits of Your divine Son, so that all their acts may be of great efficacy.

O, Eternal Father, have mercy on souls and do not forget that the time of Justice has not yet arrived, but that of Mercy!

Receive, O Most Holy Father, the sufferings and merits of all the souls who, united to the merits and sufferings of Jesus Christ, offer themselves to You, with Him and through Him, so that You may forgive the world.

O God of mercy and love, be the strength of the weak, the light of the blind and the object of the love of souls!

O my Savior who art also my God, let my heart be a flame of pure love for You!


Prayer in times of epidemic

(from the Roman Ritual, Titulus IX, Caput X)

V. Lord, do not treat us according to our sins.

A. And do not punish us according to our iniquities.

V. Help us, O God our Saviour.

A. And for the glory of your name, Lord, deliver us.

V. Lord, remember not our ancient iniquities.

A. May your mercies warn us without delay, because we are reduced to the last misery.

V. Pray for us, Saint Sebastian.

A. So that we can obtain the promises of Jesus Christ.

V. Lord, hear my prayer.

A. And let my cry rise to you.

V. The Lord be with you.

A. And with your mind.

Hear us, O God our Saviour, and through the intercession of the blessed and glorious Mary Mother of God ever virgin and of the blessed Sebastian your martyr and of all the saints, deliver your people from the terrors of your indignation and reassure them by the gifts of your mercy…. 

Be propitious Lord to our supplications and remedy the languor of our bodies and our souls, so that delivered from these evils, we may always be in joy by an effect of your blessing...

We beg you, Lord, to grant us the effect of our humble prayer and to ward off pestilence and mortality with kindness, so that the hearts of men will understand and feel that such scourges proceed from your indignation and cease by your mercy. By Christ Our Lord.  

Spiritual Communion (continued)

      In the Middle Ages, when the faithful used to take communion only at Easter time, devout people, usually women, expressed their desire to do so more frequently. 

      This is how the custom of spiritual communion appeared. “Towards the end of the twelfth century, the most popular form of spiritual communion was to express a prayer and requests during the elevation which follows the consecration. […] It is considered that the eulogy or holy bread was a quite acceptable replacement for sacramental communion […].  

According to some authors, the blessing of people and the kiss of peace could also replace communion. […] Spiritual communion was recommended to those who were too ill to receive the consecrated species. […] Theologians reinforced this practice by teaching that, through spiritual communion, we received as many graces necessary for our salvation as through sacramental communion” (G. Macy in Eucharistia. Encyclopédie de l’Echaristie , under the direction of M. Brouard, Paris, 2002, p. 182).

Even if, today, the practice of daily confession is common, the Church nevertheless invites the faithful to recite spiritual communions often throughout the day to ignite themselves in love of God, "so as to unite to the Redeemer with lively faith, a spirit respectfully humble and confident in his will, with the most ardent love” (Pius XII, encyclical Mediator Dei , November 20, 1947). Archbishop Le Tourneau

Here are two forms of spiritual communion:

“I would like, Lord, to receive you with purity, humility and devotion

with which your Most Holy Mother received you; 

with the spirit and fervor of the saints. »

“My Jesus, I believe that you are present here in the Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I ardently desire to receive you.  

But since, at this moment, I cannot do it sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. 

As if you were already present there, I adore you and I unite myself entirely to you; do not allow me ever to separate from you.  

Jesus, my good, my sweet love, inflame my heart with love, so that it always burns with love for you. 

Cherubim, Seraphim who adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, night and day, pray for us and give us the holy blessing of Jesus and Mary.

Spiritual communion according to Saint Alfonso de Liguori

My god, I believe that you are present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things, and my soul longs for you.

Since I cannot now receive you in the Blessed Sacrament, come at least in a spiritual way into my heart. I embrace you as if you were inside me and I unite myself entirely to you.

Oh !

don't let me ever have the misfortune to separate myself from you. O Jesus! my sovereign good and my sweet love, wound and inflame my heart so that it always burns with your love.