Unamuno on his quixotic quest

My work – I was going to say my mission – is to break the faith of each other, and even of a third party: faith in affirmation, faith in negation and faith in abstention; and that by faith in faith itself. It is to fight all those who resign themselves, either to Catholicism or to agnosticism. It is to make everyone live worried and oppressed.

Will it be effective? But did Don Quixote believe in the immediate, apparent efficacy of his work? It is very doubtful...

Unamuno on human life

“I don't want to die, no I don't want to, nor want to want to; I want to live always, always; and to live me, this poor me, that I am and I feel myself to be today and here, and this is why the problem of the duration of my soul, of my own, tortures me. »*

The strength of Unamuno's assertion is that it expresses the desire for human life beyond the slightest thought of pleasure. We are here in the presence of a quote that asserts itself as a challenge to the modern world when the theory of action as meaning can be used by all modern ideologies.

*The Tragic Feeling of Life.