Unamuno on his quixotic quest

My work – I was going to say my mission – is to break the faith of each other, and even of a third party: faith in affirmation, faith in negation and faith in abstention; and that by faith in faith itself. It is to fight all those who resign themselves, either to Catholicism or to agnosticism. It is to make everyone live worried and oppressed.

Will it be effective? But did Don Quixote believe in the immediate, apparent efficacy of his work? It is very doubtful...

Unamuno on Don Quixote

I feel like a medieval soul and I have the idea that the soul of my homeland is medieval, that by force it passed through the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Revolution, learning something from them, either, but without letting touch his soul, preserving the spiritual heritage of these so-called foggy times. And Quixotism is only the most desperate focus of the struggle of the Middle Ages against the Renaissance which emerged from it.