Diversity (continued)

… Sounge i felibre esteba… I'm thinking of the Félibres… It's characteristic of the good artisans of the Divers, to turn it over like this end for end. Would it ever be achieved? It is ruin, death. It is always reborn: suddenly behind, when in front you hold out your arms to it.

However, there, Boissière writes: The Buddha, Cemetery of Annam, etc.

In 96, a year before his death, admirable verses of reverse exoticism:

Today, tired of waiting for the kiss of the Sirens — My weary Flesh returns to the native village — where the echo of the world still fascinates me...

Over there, wandering, smoke twists: They are old desires , old sins that burn….

Victor Segalen, Essay on Exoticism, An Aesthetics of Diversity , Editions Fata Morgana.


I don't know, if like me, hearing the word diversity (which has replaced the word Other ) causes you to start feeling nauseous. Victor Segalen is an author who acts as a remedy for this gagging.

Fine example that Jules Boissière who, Provençal, felibre, wrote his most beautiful felibrian verses in Hanoi.

Here is the diversity, which plunges into itself to welcome the other. The speeches of politicians who only have the word diversity in their mouths push a great void in front of them and shake it all the more audaciously as they try to convince and convince themselves, but they have lost their conscience that they denature and violate it as soon as they pronounce its name.  

It is only possible to speak of diversity by listening to oneself, to one's intimate being. This is what it means to be sensitive to diversity. Those who gorge themselves on diversions without making this effort are only internationalists in disguise.

Victor Segalen, Essay on exoticism, an aesthetic of diversity. Editions Fata Morgana.

Craftsman's Prayer

12th century monastic prayer
Teach me, Lord, to use the time you give me to work well…
Teach me to unite haste and slowness, serenity and fervor, zeal and peace. Help me at the start of the work. Help me in the heart of the work… And above all fill up the gaps in my work yourself: Lord, in all the work of my hands leave a grace from You to speak to others and a defect from me to speak myself.

Keep in me the hope of perfection, otherwise I would lose heart. Keep me in the impotence of perfection, otherwise I would lose myself in pride...

Lord, never let me forget that all work is empty except where there is love...

Lord, teach me to pray with my hands, my arms and all my strength. Remind me that the work of my hands belongs to you and that it is up to me to give it back to you… That if I do to please others, like the flower of the grass I will wither in the evening. But if I do for the sake of good, I will remain in good. And the time to do well and to your glory is now.
