What a great initiative! A novena for France. A novena to express our love for the Blessed Virgin and ask her to watch over our beautiful country with all the saints. It is useless to belch on social networks or on the Internet or even in the street, there is no point in belching if we do not ask the intercession of our most holy Mary for our country. If we don't do it, if this effort of prayer is not intimate and obligatory to us, then we have nothing to do with France. We feed ourselves with words. The intercession of the Blessed Virgin is the way to receive enough graces to hope that the future of our country will be worthy of its past. Never believe that our future is due to anger, agitation, side effects, whatever we do, good or bad, the future also belongs, above all, to our prayer. Never think we are enough. The acceptance of our weakness, of our lack, of the insufficiency precisely of our strength and of our will proves that divine intercession is obligatory. This acceptance marks our entry into the novena! Without knowing it, the docility linked to this acceptance, the “conformity” of our soul, allows us to enter this novena. Let us be guided when the Lord has only one deep desire: to lead his little flock. Docility is the fruit of tenderness...
Month: November 2014
One day at Pôle Emploi in 2014
Edifying history that was told to me this week ... far removed from the round effects of our leaders on the television sets. A day at Pôle Emploi for a young unemployed with a project quickly turned into an obstacle course. Read more of "One day at Pôle Emploi in 2014"