Novena for France

What a great initiative! A novena for France. A novena to express our love for the Blessed Virgin and ask her to watch over our beautiful country with all the saints. It is useless to belch on social networks or on the Internet or even in the street, there is no point in belching if we do not ask the intercession of our most holy Mary for our country. If we don't do it, if this effort of prayer is not intimate and obligatory to us, then we have nothing to do with France. We feed ourselves with words. The intercession of the Blessed Virgin is the way to receive enough graces to hope that the future of our country will be worthy of its past. Never believe that our future is due to anger, agitation, side effects, whatever we do, good or bad, the future also belongs, above all, to our prayer. Never think we are enough. The acceptance of our weakness, of our lack, of the insufficiency precisely of our strength and of our will proves that divine intercession is obligatory. This acceptance marks our entry into the novena! Without knowing it, the docility linked to this acceptance, the “conformity” of our soul, allows us to enter this novena. Let us be guided when the Lord has only one deep desire: to lead his little flock. Docility is the fruit of tenderness...

A few quotes from Georges Bernanos to better understand, better discern the mission of France and the French:

“We have never seen a nation that had kept its honor perish, body and property; his honor and his life are one."

“We look our misfortune in the face, we reject none of it, we make a heart to match it. Whatever humiliation it brings to our poor individual destinies, it is now sacred to us since it has already taken its place in our history, it is one of the links in the long chain that connects us to our ancestors. . We no longer have the right to touch it, even to curse it. If it seemed irreparable, it would only be irreparable for us, because we are only passing through, France remains, she will soon absorb us, our errors and our faults. The oldest Christianity in the world has formed our souls so well that this national passion, in which survives among the other peoples of Europe the basis of the old hereditary paganism with its harshness, its inflexible pride, is prodigiously spiritualized among us, keep one I don't know what sweetness and what deep humility, which we are reluctant to express because no one understands them. Not only as Christians, but as French people, it seems that we have learned the lesson of Saint Paul: we refuse to live under the sign of the law, we have entered the reign of grace. We do not feel French by right, but by grace, and we do not believe we deserve this grace. However great the sacrifices made to our country, it is not in them that we place our trust, it is always France that saves us, it is the pledge of our temporal salvation, it is from it that we await our temporal redemption. This is why, no doubt, no setback can bring us down, because we keep the pain and the affront for ourselves: it retains its expiatory virtue, our own faults are its redemption, our humiliations its glory. »

There are no privileges, only services , such was once the fundamental principle of the old French monarchical law. »

“Europe has labored for a thousand years to substitute nations for race. »

“It is useless and even dangerous to write that this war is that of Might against Right, because true force is never opposed to true right. From the sole justice of her cause, France today draws both her strength and her right. If she was momentarily defeated, it was because she would have doubted one or the other, that she would not have been to the end of her strength and her rights. But God will not allow it, or He will only allow it to better save us. »

Let us pray for France! The novena offers three commitments.
Three commitments for France! : — to take a moment of prayer every day for my country (rosary, dozen, other)
— to recite the novena prayer every day
— to fast every first Friday of the month for my country

The novena prayer:

Virgin Mary,
Our Lady of France,
Welcome our hearts of children
confident in your benevolence.
Guide us to Jesus our Saviour,
to receive from his Heart the graces
of his divine mercy.

We present to you our country,
its sufferings, its troubles
and its conflicts,
but also its resources
and its aspirations.
Welcome them, purify them,
present them to your Son
so that He may intercede on our behalf,
direct our actions towards the Good
and guide us in the Truth.

We consecrate France
in fidelity to the hope
and to the strength of the Holy Spirit
received at our baptism. Amen.

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