The death of intimacy

sick tree

Everywhere, on the Internet, in newspapers or on television, personal experience is displayed, exhibited and intended to be a reference. This indecency is based on an inversion of values. It is based above all and everywhere on the idea of ​​the same. The idea of ​​the same thinks: “I lived that, my experience reflects a universal feeling. I mean what I experienced. I pose as an essential witness”. This is to confuse the universal with the general. What is forgotten, misunderstood, is the difference that resides between each man; and each man is unique. Not singular by his sexual orientations or by his manias, but intrinsically. This is an old new concept at the beginning of the 21st century. By his experience, by his culture and by his nature, each man shows a facet of Man, and each facet is unique. Create in the image of God . Now it is impossible for us, except by looking at men and considering them as all singular, to embrace God. Forgetting God leads to the same thing. Everyone goes there with their nursery rhyme which, even if it can tell the tragedy of an existence, is only a nursery rhyme because it does not even begin to tell the tragedy of Man.

Man learns almost nothing from his personal experience. He only learns from his encounter with God. He learns nothing from his personal experience because it lowers the height when his relationship with God raises him. Modern man should exhibit his personal experience all the less, since his loss of relationship with God leads him to forget Evil. Forgetting Evil involves forgetting sin. Unamuno wrote in “The Tragic Feeling of Life”: “For Saint Paul, the most execrable sin is avarice. Because greed is taking the means for the ends.” And he added that the other terrible disease, daughter of spiritual avarice, was envy. Telling one's personal experience already consists in provoking envy; to provoke envy is to invoke it. Our era has arrived at this height of stupidity that it wants everyone to be envied; that she pushes everyone to show off, to become objects of desire, therefore of envy. Age based on self-expression, selfishness, egotism and self-centeredness; time when it is good to lift taboos, to understand the springs of each thing. A time that hates what is hidden and considers secrecy a flaw. A time of mind-numbing psychology forcing everyone into nudity under the pretext of having to accept themselves. This desire for psychology, this exaltation of the ego which goes through its exposure and its exhibition, has only one avowed goal, to allow everyone to better .
Psychoanalysis wants to always reveal and let express the resentments which very often are seen as obstacles to better living. The self and the same live together. They secrete envy. All these famous resentments with which psychoanalysis torments us can arise from a Christian education since it has an avowed goal: to fight against any feeling of envy. It is therefore possible as two communicating antagonistic forces that the good willed by Christian education to regulate envy creates sourness or resentment. Here we see two forces clashing terribly: Christianity and its rejection of envy, which starts from the principle that “I” is wrong because it never does enough towards the other, and the modern world armed with its precepts of transparency, similarity and equality, which reduces all hierarchical or structured functioning to its ideology of the same which reassures and comforts it. It is logical that the lack of intimacy, of secrecy, of interiority pushes in this way to exhibit oneself. It is indeed a question of a modern perversity which obliges to exhibit oneself, which creates envy in the other, which therefore encounters the other and is exalted by his reflection and only by his reflection, and which at the end of this prowess — because we very often go to great lengths to succeed in creating this desire — completely forgets the other by an arrogant attitude. Obviously, because there is no encounter. It is indeed a diabolical and adulescent mechanism to use the good word of Tony Anatrella. “I lack self-confidence as a teenager — when I am already an adult —, I perk myself up by showing my intimacy and creating curiosity in the other, I become the center of interest of the other that I do not delay in rejecting because this other created me in a way and it is no longer of any use to me and it reminds me of my efforts, and sometimes the humiliations that I received to arrive where I am. No chance of meeting can arise from this attitude. It is logical that by dint of leaning on oneself, one no longer sees and no longer knows how to value the other. The other would even become a brake on freedom which can only be individual. In this attitude, the disintegration of society also finds its source. This navel-gazing era where everyone displays their personal experience relies on narcissism to hope to derive a few seconds of glory from this exhibition. Create desire, even to have nothing afterwards. Create desire as if to live the dream life even for a few minutes. Creating envy can only lead to misery. But what would we do for a few seconds of this false glory? Where the Ancients taught us to handle with great discretion and great discernment all things of envy, not to create envy when it was possible to avoid it, to respect this rule valid at all times in all places, we have the will to become an object of envy 1 . Narcissism is always an atrophy of love. A fatal search for oneself through the other. Or perhaps, more tendentious still, and closer to the legend, a search for the other through oneself.

Personal experience is meant to be definitive. She can't stand contradiction. She is only vanity. Everyone knows the phrase from Ecclesiastes: “Vanitas vanitatum omnia vanitas…” (Vanity of vanities, all is vanity). This sentence will soon no longer have any meaning because no one will know what the word vanity means anymore. Maybe it will even be considered a compliment? A kind of accomplishment, a kind of plenitude? On that day, intimacy will mean presenting yourself naked to as many people as possible; that day, pornography will be considered one of the fine arts; on that day, the world will have nothing more to learn. On that day, intimacy will have been overcome and with it the interior life, men will have nothing more of their own, they will have taunted everything in the world, and it is the Prince of this world who will rejoice, his work demolition coming to an end. On that day, misery will reign over the world, because with intimacy, it is prayer, and therefore the truth, which will be lying in the gutter, all broken, all ragged, all bruised. And indecency, and imposture, and lies, will parade before them, spitting on them, hitting them, reviling them. “You used to show off, you swaggered, strong to represent great immutable principles, but now you are discredited and reduced to nothing, while we are the new guardians of the Temple. justice is done 2. »

  1. “If a man catches even one or two fish while his companions (in their boat on the high seas) catch nothing, he does not keep a single one of his catches. Otherwise he would expose himself to the worst gossip. People rationally explain this custom by the obligation to manage social relations. Indeed if one of them nets fish not at sea, but in the lagoon, he can keep everything “because he is alone”. It is only as a member of a crew that he falls under the scope of the tradition mentioned above and which they literally call “envy-blocking” (te pi o te kaimeo)”. (Raymon Firth on Polynesian civilizations).
  2. PCC of an anecdote during the Revolution of 1848, a coal carrier said to a richly dressed lady: “Yes, Madam, from now on we will all be equal: I will walk around in a silk dress and you will carry coal.”

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